Arturo Fuente Hemingway Untold Story
The Arturo Fuente Hemingway is a premium cigar brand that has a rich history and tradition behind it. The brand is named after the famous American writer Ernest Hemingway and is known for its high-quality cigars made with the finest tobacco leaves.
The story of the Arturo Fuente Hemingway dates back to the early 20th century, when Arturo Fuente Sr. founded the company in West Tampa, Florida. Over the years, the brand has gained a reputation for producing some of the finest cigars in the world, and is particularly well known for its medium-bodied Hemingway cigars.
The Arturo Fuente Hemingway cigars are known for their unique shape, which is short and stubby, and for their distinctive flavor. They are made with a blend of Dominican and African filler tobacco, wrapped in Cameroon leaves and finished with a unique, tapered head.
Overall, the Arturo Fuente Hemingway is an enduring symbol of tradition, quality, and excellence in the cigar world, and its untold story is a testament to the passion and dedication of the Fuente family.
Floyd Cassidy –
This cigar is flawless. It’s constructed perfectly, draws smooth, and has a full-bodied flavor that builds subtly throughout the smoke. The Hemingway Untold Story lives up to its reputation with its perfect burn and ash.