La Flor de Nicaragua Gran Toro
When smoked, La Flor de Nicaragua cigars will undeniably reveal their origins – The unique tobaccos of Nicaragua. Flor de Nicaragua blends come from the finest farms in the Esteli, Condega and Jalapa regions and feature the unique spiciness, perfect construction and smooth smoke. The Wrapper is the rare Habanos leaf that was lost to the Cubans years ago, due to climate conditions and now grows in Ecuador. A must try.
Leroy Potts –
La Flor de Nicaragua Gran Toro is hands down the best cigar. Its complex flavor profile is a true masterpiece with notes of dark chocolate, espresso, and a subtle hint of spice. The construction is flawless, and the draw is smooth. Its size ensures a long and enjoyable smoke, perfect for relaxing after a long day. Highly recommend!